
This blog is directed by students of the bilingual primary education degree.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

Constructivism and educational projects.

In this week we learnt some educaiting theories such us constructivism. 

Piaget contributes to the Constructivist theory to conceive learning as an internal process of construction, in which the individual participates actively acquiring increasingly complex structures, to what this author calls stadiums.

An important theme in Bruner's theoretical structure is that learning is an active process in which students construct new ideas or concepts based on their current or past knowledge. The student selects and transforms information, builds hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do it.
Resultado de imagen de constructivism learning theory

Another think that we did, was makeing our own school, with all the subjects that we want. This helped us to study eduactional projects since what we had to do was to make one.
Resultado de imagen de educational project

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